Friday, September 11, 2009

Today, September 11, 2009. Eight years ago, a horrible, devastating, cowardly attack was unleashed on our country. Over three thousand souls were ripped away from family and friends. Mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, all innocents that were killed by evil zealots. We all were scarred as a country. Pundits compared this travesty with the attack on Pearl Harbor, and we came together as a country. We all grieved collectively, and bonded as a united country, prepared to defend what we loved.
Today, September 11, 2009. Again, our country is threatened as never before. The ungodly attack that we experienced eight years ago that cost over three thousand lives pales in comparison to the attack that we are now experiencing. As a career military man, I understand that any battle must have certain elements to be successfully implemented. It must have a plan of implementation, sufficient forces and some form of subterfuge in order to win. The battle we are NOW engaged in is for the very fabric of our society, and the destruction of our constitution.
The plan is now in effect, and can be seen in the transformation of the structure of the institutions of our Republic. Persons with extreme ideology are being inserted into the matrix of government, with no oversight by our elected representatives. NGO's (non-government organizations) are being given the power to shape public opinion. These are the planners of the usurping the constitution are being put in place now. The far left organizations with the funding of Soros and others are funding the multitude of attacks, and the news media are actively supporting the attack by their silence on these attempts to socialize the USA

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Senior non-contact sports

Carmen and I have just got back from a much delayed and much deserved vacation. 3 weeks in Florida, Camping in the camper on Perdido Bay outside Pensacola. Inasmuch as we both are near fatal type "A's", I decided that in order to keep us entertained, and also tone us up, I would invent a new senior sport. I called it "sitting". We both mastered the basic structure of the sport within about 2 days, whereupon I added an additional facet to this new sport, "rocking". In short order we both had mastered this difficult aspect of the sport. However, I have mastered the next step, while Carmen is still having difficulty with the third level, "yawning". I have even began to step out boldly onto the pinnicale of the sport, "nodding off". When you have mastered this level, you are truly into this new sport!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Part 2, One Nation

Continuing: When we got to the Arlington Cemetery and on board the tour bus, I was expecting the tour guide to point out salient facts about the cemetery, and maybe some history of thmore famous military personnel that were buried there such as Audie Murphy, Medal of Honor winner and Hollywood celebrity, or General of the Army George Marshall, or maybe even a Private who had done some heroic feat. But instead, the first words out of the Guides mouth were to look to the right and you will see the headstone of Medger Evers, the civil rights worker killed in Mississippi. To my knowledge, he never served in the military. I don't doubt that he deserves to be recognized as a brave, upright individual who gave is life for an ideal, but he doesn't deserve to be buried in Arlington. He went on as some point in the tour to point out the tomb to the first Black Supreme Court Justice. He never mentioned one Military man during the tour. I walked about and found one of my hero's monument, General Chappie James, who incidentally is the first Black Air Force General Officer.
I think that this tour set the tone for the rest of my time in D. C. I see Washington through, addmittedly, darkend glasses, dimly. It seems to me that the divisions in this country are the strongest in what is supposed to be the heart of our country. Black vs white, liberal vs conservative, yadda, yadda, yadda. And the divide is getting worse, not better... More later.

One Nation, Under?

My lovely wife and I, along with our granddaughter, spent the past week in Alexandria, Va. visiting our eldest daughter and family. We had a lovely time exploring the usual sight in D.C. even with a solid week of rain. There were some special places I wanted to visit, Arlington Cemetery, the Vietnam memorial and the Smithsonian being primary on my list. We did see all those things and a good many other sights. Rode the Metro all over, and Bella got a kick out of that. Only had one dismaying incident, and that was on the way back to the house after touring the Aviation museum when one really scraggly individual got on the Metro almost wearing a baggy pair of exercise pants that were hanging so far down the dude's business was almost exposed. And he stopped dead in front of Carmen and I and just stood there jabbering to himself. As his pants slipped lower and lower, I got madder and madder and was just about to leap up and snatch his pants way past a wedgie! But just before I leaped, the next station came up and he exited the door. I had not noticed it, but C said he was wearing 3 different hospital bracelets. One of them had to be from the nut house.
Back to D.C. - You may think that I am racist, or overly sensitive when I relate the following, and I may be. I have had mixed emotions about what I am about to reveal, and I would like you, my 2 esteemed readers and editors to comment on this. I was really looking forward to visiting Arlington, both as a student of history, and as a career military man. The tradition of our military's handling of those who gave their all to this country is a very special, hallowed tradition. When we freed the French from the Nazi occupation and took the land, all we asked for in return was enough land to bury our dead. At the end of the Civil war, both the North and the South buried their dead in the same field. We have since that time buried the lowest private to the highest ranking generals, men to cowered in foxholes in fear at Normandy and Medal of honor winners who reached down into places they did not know they had and found courage to do the impossible.
Now, we have also buried Presidents who served in the Military, and there are Wives of heroes buried at Arlington, and that's a good thing, because they also served. I will continue this post in another post, Part 2

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Change we can believe in???

I have listened with absolute incredibility the latest in Obama speak this week. The phrase "War on Terror" has been deleted from our lexicon, now to be called "man caused disaster". Can't call anyone and enemy combatant. The term "Illegal Aliens" can no longer be used. The Military has been told that they must refer to their action in Afghanistan and Iraq as "Oveseas contingency operations". George Orwell must be giggling his old self silly in his grave! Please! PC is overcooked already. Now, I see that Obama has hired a guy who, as the head of the CIA during the Clinton administration was caught with confidential documents in his home, fired and had his security clearance revoked. And he is now going to be on a panel that is slated to review the security procedures of this country!!! I wish he would just hire guys that won't pay their taxes, and stay away from people who are a known security risk.

One last item. Atty. Gen. Holder, who has stated that the problems in Mexico stem from the guns that are flowing from the U.S. to Mexico will require him to reinstate the Clinton gun ban. Holder has apparantly studied the history of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief. Goebbels perfected the "Big Lie" technique of propaganda, which is based on the principle that a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough, will be belived by the masses. I have become a life member of the NRA, and I will not sell a gun to anyone who is not a member, or is not willing to join. A citizen of a country is someone who can own a gun. One who cannot own a gun by government fiat is a subject!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Change we can believe in!

After a lot of thought as to what I wanted to do with this blog, I have decided to put the autobiography on hold, and use this medium to offer much needed advice to the Obama administration in regards to financial stability, domestic and foreign policy. I feel that I have very unique qualifications that have not been evident in the staff installed by President Obama. I pay my income taxes!

Now, I have considered Attorney General Holder's determination that the Federal Government will no longer enforce laws concerning growers of medicinal marijuana. Significantly, he has overlooked an opportunity to reduce the deficit in this decision. I propose that he legalize the cultivation, sale and use of the old wacky weed and tax the cultivation distribution and use of this product. The local, state and Federal tax would compensate for most of the unpaid taxes of the Obama administration.

Another activity now deemed illegal at the state and federal levels is prostitution. I recommend that prostitution of all kinds be legalized. This, the oldest of professions should be legalized immediately, and again, taxed at the local, state and federal levels. Not only would the ladies and men of the night be able to contribute to reducing the National Debt, but the taxes imposed on the House of Representatives and the Senate would probably be enough to pay for Obama's proposed National health Care.

Stand by for more political insight and recommendations from Aesop

Monday, March 16, 2009


Last week, for reasons that have not been made clear, I started writing about my life. I don't know what kind of mood that caused this spurt of creativity, but I wrote until about 2:00 in the morning. I started somewhere after I had joined the Air Force, and stopped at about the present time. I e-mailed this missive to my editor-in-chief, the artiststic (no, not autistic) daughter, another copy to younger daughter, and another to my writer daughter. The younger daughter was first to respond, said there was not enough details. (She has heard all the war stories and want them included) My artistic daughter said it was too much to put on a blog all at once. Now, I haven't heard from the writer daughter, and that worries me! She may really be going over it with a red pencil! K was worried because she did not get any mention in the first draft. I told her that an entire chapter would have to be dedicated to her!
Anyway, I don't know if I will put it on this blog. I am thinking about just making this a political blog and use it to bad mouth Obama!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blogs I follow

I am still reluctant to use this medium, and I only "follow" 2 blogs, both written by young ladies that are dear to my heart, and every time I remember to see what they have written lately, I am astounded by the depth of feeling both have for what is going on around them. Mo is having the revelation that, to teen age daughters, she is dumb as a rock! And I bet she can remember when she thought the same thing about her mother! Hang in there Mo, cause you are on the right track, although I don't have a clue how long the insurrection will last. We still have one with the same attitude, and she's past 30! And that daughter who is married to Mr. Smarty Pants - thanks for the reinforcement that you were brought up relatively color-blind. I never thought much about the example that you Mom and I were setting, cause as whoever said it, folks is folks. I love that drawing of MLK. I wish you would send that to me.

In a short while, I will have a birthday, and I have decided that it is patently unfair to have anymore birthdays after you reach this age. Of course, the alternative is not very attractive, either. I think we should have been equipped with an age pause button that you could use as needed. I need a lot more time with grand kids ( and great grand kids) Oh well, at least the over the hill gang is not a intense as you younger folks. I have actually been called laid back by someone who really doesn't know me very well!

One of these days, I really am gonna write something worth while, maybe. But I have a hard time beginning it. I would like to write a biography, but if I write what all I have done in this lifetime, everyone will think it is BS, and I would also have to black out certain parts for national security purposes (or just kill anyone who read it) Ha!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

But I'm not gonna talk about that!!!

Saturday night, midnight. My doorbell rings (no one ever rings our door bell) I'm awake, playing with the computer. I open the door and there is a lady standing on the porch talking on her cell phone. I think, maybe she'd had a wreck or car quit, but she says very calmly, " I think your shop is on fire". Well she was right, and I asked her if she was calling the fire department, and she said, "No, I'm talking to my husband". I will not say what I said as I tore around the house trying to get a garden hose in play. - Now, the shop was a complete loss, 35 years of collecting gunsmithing goodies, tools, lathe milling machine, guns, etc. gone, gone, gone.

But, I am not gonna talk about that anymore. Spilled milk and all that stiff upper lip crapola. The subject that has riveted my attention the past 2 weeks is what I am hearing about the new administration and the choices that Obama has made for his cabinet. Secretary of the Treasurer, the guy who would be in charge of the IRS don't pay his taxes, and Harry Reid says that is just a hiccup. I remember being audited in 1985, and being raked over the coals because I claimed a deduction for uniforms for the blazers I wore when flying non-scheduled charter flights. The total that I had claimed was less than $300.00, and made me have to repay $30.00 in additional taxes, and I thought I was gonna go to jail.
The Attorney General's job going to a dude who helped Clinton pardon Mark Riche, an out and out crook. Also was attorney of record for confirmed terrorist group in South America. Another cabinet designee is identified as a card carrying member of a socialist organization that purports to overthrow the U.S. Constitution, and thinks we should share the wealth. I now understand what Obama meant when he said change is coming!!!
On the financial front, Bank of America is gonna use the 43 mil they got from the bail out to buy another failing bank!! Makes sense to some one.

I wonder if I can apply for a bail-out - Guess not - my business did'nt fail - It burned down!!
But I'm not gonna talk about that.