Thursday, April 16, 2009

Part 2, One Nation

Continuing: When we got to the Arlington Cemetery and on board the tour bus, I was expecting the tour guide to point out salient facts about the cemetery, and maybe some history of thmore famous military personnel that were buried there such as Audie Murphy, Medal of Honor winner and Hollywood celebrity, or General of the Army George Marshall, or maybe even a Private who had done some heroic feat. But instead, the first words out of the Guides mouth were to look to the right and you will see the headstone of Medger Evers, the civil rights worker killed in Mississippi. To my knowledge, he never served in the military. I don't doubt that he deserves to be recognized as a brave, upright individual who gave is life for an ideal, but he doesn't deserve to be buried in Arlington. He went on as some point in the tour to point out the tomb to the first Black Supreme Court Justice. He never mentioned one Military man during the tour. I walked about and found one of my hero's monument, General Chappie James, who incidentally is the first Black Air Force General Officer.
I think that this tour set the tone for the rest of my time in D. C. I see Washington through, addmittedly, darkend glasses, dimly. It seems to me that the divisions in this country are the strongest in what is supposed to be the heart of our country. Black vs white, liberal vs conservative, yadda, yadda, yadda. And the divide is getting worse, not better... More later.

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