Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blogs I follow

I am still reluctant to use this medium, and I only "follow" 2 blogs, both written by young ladies that are dear to my heart, and every time I remember to see what they have written lately, I am astounded by the depth of feeling both have for what is going on around them. Mo is having the revelation that, to teen age daughters, she is dumb as a rock! And I bet she can remember when she thought the same thing about her mother! Hang in there Mo, cause you are on the right track, although I don't have a clue how long the insurrection will last. We still have one with the same attitude, and she's past 30! And that daughter who is married to Mr. Smarty Pants - thanks for the reinforcement that you were brought up relatively color-blind. I never thought much about the example that you Mom and I were setting, cause as whoever said it, folks is folks. I love that drawing of MLK. I wish you would send that to me.

In a short while, I will have a birthday, and I have decided that it is patently unfair to have anymore birthdays after you reach this age. Of course, the alternative is not very attractive, either. I think we should have been equipped with an age pause button that you could use as needed. I need a lot more time with grand kids ( and great grand kids) Oh well, at least the over the hill gang is not a intense as you younger folks. I have actually been called laid back by someone who really doesn't know me very well!

One of these days, I really am gonna write something worth while, maybe. But I have a hard time beginning it. I would like to write a biography, but if I write what all I have done in this lifetime, everyone will think it is BS, and I would also have to black out certain parts for national security purposes (or just kill anyone who read it) Ha!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

But I'm not gonna talk about that!!!

Saturday night, midnight. My doorbell rings (no one ever rings our door bell) I'm awake, playing with the computer. I open the door and there is a lady standing on the porch talking on her cell phone. I think, maybe she'd had a wreck or car quit, but she says very calmly, " I think your shop is on fire". Well she was right, and I asked her if she was calling the fire department, and she said, "No, I'm talking to my husband". I will not say what I said as I tore around the house trying to get a garden hose in play. - Now, the shop was a complete loss, 35 years of collecting gunsmithing goodies, tools, lathe milling machine, guns, etc. gone, gone, gone.

But, I am not gonna talk about that anymore. Spilled milk and all that stiff upper lip crapola. The subject that has riveted my attention the past 2 weeks is what I am hearing about the new administration and the choices that Obama has made for his cabinet. Secretary of the Treasurer, the guy who would be in charge of the IRS don't pay his taxes, and Harry Reid says that is just a hiccup. I remember being audited in 1985, and being raked over the coals because I claimed a deduction for uniforms for the blazers I wore when flying non-scheduled charter flights. The total that I had claimed was less than $300.00, and made me have to repay $30.00 in additional taxes, and I thought I was gonna go to jail.
The Attorney General's job going to a dude who helped Clinton pardon Mark Riche, an out and out crook. Also was attorney of record for confirmed terrorist group in South America. Another cabinet designee is identified as a card carrying member of a socialist organization that purports to overthrow the U.S. Constitution, and thinks we should share the wealth. I now understand what Obama meant when he said change is coming!!!
On the financial front, Bank of America is gonna use the 43 mil they got from the bail out to buy another failing bank!! Makes sense to some one.

I wonder if I can apply for a bail-out - Guess not - my business did'nt fail - It burned down!!
But I'm not gonna talk about that.