Monday, November 10, 2008

Something worth blogging about

I have had this blog set up since July, and it has just sat here. I have'nt had a thought or an idea that I felt was worth talking about until today. Today, the 11th of November 2008, I was moved in a way that I have not been moved in many years, and it was a elementary school gym that was packed with K thru 6 grade kids that moved me.

I was invited by my Granddaughter to come to her school for recoginition as a Veteran of our military, and to be saluted by these kids. The program was excellent, with patriotic songs by the kindergarden tots all the way up to the 6th graders. Our flag was honored, our military service respected by the program, and I, along with other aging veterans were treated with much respect.

But as I sat in the crowded gymnasium, I began to look, really look at those kids and I saw future doctors, lawyers, mechanics, nurses, plumbers and potential Soldiers, Sailors and Airman who in some future war will lay down their lives for this the United States of America, just as many thousands have done in the past. My prayer for these future holders of the trust is that we may support them as well as we have those to gave their all for this great country in past wars, better that we gave for my generation of Vietman veterans, and better that we are giving to our honorable warriors that are fighting for this country in the face of the very worst enemy we have ever faced. They will have to confront an enemy that hides behind women and children, that have no bases to be destroyed, that use the civilian population to hide behind and kill to discredit our forces. An enemy that honors no accord of civility, that uses our laws to hide behind to kill, maim or destroy anyone who stands in the way of their jihad.

And I also pray that those who run this country will fully understand that we cannot afford to sit down and talk to this kind of zealots that only want to talk to probe for weakness, who see the desire to negotiate as a weakness, and who belive that we are weak when we compromise our objectives.

God bless us all.


Unknown said...


Glad to see you found something worth posting - I can't wait to see what else you have to say! :-)

Linda said...

Well said!

Melinda Owens said...

And now you moved me to tears. I hope you keep have much to write about and much that I want to read