Friday, December 13, 2013

I have not put anything on this blog in a long time.  I have been spending too much time on facebook to blog.  But, I feel the need to blog.  I am posting an item I put on facebook yesterday and I intend to spend some time pontificating on things political, cause my wife thinks I do too much of that on facebook.
Here is a letter I wrote to John Boehner after receiving a RNC survey and an appeal for money.

I received a Republican Party Survey with a letter from John Boehner. I opted out of the Survey and instead sent Boehner a personal letter. See below.

John Boehner

Dear Speaker Boehner

I am responding to your letter “Truth about Republicans Survey”

The truth is, currently, I cannot tell much difference between Republicans and Democrats. Neither party has a lock on the truth. Your debasement of the grassroots, better known as the Tea Party, is not a lot different than the vile crap that comes out of the Democratic party.

I agree with most of what you want me to say on the survey. However, I do not see the Republican party doing much about the out of control spending. The was I see it, the budget bill presented by Ryan is a lot of smoke and mirrors, and still spends way too much. I would like to see you have the balls to really come up with ways to stop the insane growth of government. Maybe all you and your professional politicians should offer to take a 5% pay cut across the board, give up the millions you receive in perks, and then talk about cutting each and every federal agency budget by the same 5%. I don't think is would hurt anyone in DC to give a little back for living so high on the hog for so long.

Why have you not stood up and told Obama that the Keystone pipeline will be built, forthwit, and if he objects, cut funding for the White House? You do know that the House holds the purse strings, or did you forget it while pissing and moaning about the Tea Party Patriots?

So, I did not fill out your survey. I have been a small contributor to the Republican Party for many years, have always considered myself a Republican, and have served this country in the United States Air Force for over 20 years, thru cutbacks, and crappy leaders (in DC) and stayed the course. Now after seeing what your budget will do to the military, I can no longer contribute to a party such as the Republican party has become. I will still vote mostly Republican, but if my choice is a Tea Party Republican or a establishment Republican, you can bet your ass I will vote for the Patriot, not the professional.

G. Ray Johnson

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Well, I never got back to blogging before the election, so most of what I was going to pontificate on is water over the dam.  But, I have had some thoughts on the economic crisis.  If we spend more than we take in, we go broke!  Simple as all get out!  If each government entity would have its budget cut by 15% and lay off about 10% of the government employees who sit on their butts doing nothing, I believe we could see a immediate decrease in the Budget deficit.  Oh! and apply the cuts to the House and Senate salaries also.

Well, that was easy, problem solved.  What is on my mind right now is Obama's proposals to bypass legislators and weaken the second amendment.  Every talking head yaks about the "assault" weapons ban and not a one of them know what an assault weapon is.  I do, and I can assure you a Bushmaster AR15 is not an assault weapon.  An assault weapon is one that is by design, made to propel a large quantity of bullets down range when you are under attack.  It is not a very efficient use of ammunition because at the high rate of fire (600-800 rounds per minute) the weapon is very unstable and accuracy deteriorates.  Our current M-16 variant has been redesigned to fire 3 round burst instead of full automatic.  You see, the civilian version of the M-16, the AR15 is semi-automatic only and the trigger must be pulled for each round to fire.  Just exactly like a Marlin model 60 .22 cal rifle, or a Remington 1100 shotgun, or a Browning BAR .300 Magnum.

Now of those weapons just mentioned above,  2 are much more powerful if used to kill people, especially in a confined area.  A 12 gauge Remington in a confined space would do much more damage than the .223 bullet fired by the AR15.  A.300 Magnum used in the same setting would penetrate walls and kill people 3 blocks away!  But, none of these weapons will kill anyone if not taken up in arms by a person.  And it has been proven that if some one is hell bent on killing another person and no firearms are handy, they will find a weapon.  Humans are good at improvising!  Years ago when the Clinton era "Assault" weapons ban took place, the NRA, of which I am a life member dropped the ball by allowing the liberals to define the assault weapon.  And then when Regan was shot by an insane a--hole, the Brady bill requiring a background chec and a 3 day waiting period was hatched, the NRA wanted a background check that would include mental history, but the Liberals wouldn't hear of it on grounds that that would entail "profiling" and the NRA caved.  Now, after the prior ban, the Brady waiting period, a large capacity magazine ban, and the instant background check, there is no evidence that any of these actions reduced crime or shootings.  As a matter of fact, the most precipitous drop in crime has come in states that recently allowed concealed carry permits.

Ok, thats enough of this.  I does strike me as rather that, when all those folks got killed at the Batman movie, Obama did not have much to say about gun control, but has gone nutso with the school shooting.  Oh wait, The Theatre shooting was before the election! I get it.  If he had reacted to that incident, his low information voters that also like their guns would have been upset!