Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Change we can believe in???

I have listened with absolute incredibility the latest in Obama speak this week. The phrase "War on Terror" has been deleted from our lexicon, now to be called "man caused disaster". Can't call anyone and enemy combatant. The term "Illegal Aliens" can no longer be used. The Military has been told that they must refer to their action in Afghanistan and Iraq as "Oveseas contingency operations". George Orwell must be giggling his old self silly in his grave! Please! PC is overcooked already. Now, I see that Obama has hired a guy who, as the head of the CIA during the Clinton administration was caught with confidential documents in his home, fired and had his security clearance revoked. And he is now going to be on a panel that is slated to review the security procedures of this country!!! I wish he would just hire guys that won't pay their taxes, and stay away from people who are a known security risk.

One last item. Atty. Gen. Holder, who has stated that the problems in Mexico stem from the guns that are flowing from the U.S. to Mexico will require him to reinstate the Clinton gun ban. Holder has apparantly studied the history of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief. Goebbels perfected the "Big Lie" technique of propaganda, which is based on the principle that a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough, will be belived by the masses. I have become a life member of the NRA, and I will not sell a gun to anyone who is not a member, or is not willing to join. A citizen of a country is someone who can own a gun. One who cannot own a gun by government fiat is a subject!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Change we can believe in!

After a lot of thought as to what I wanted to do with this blog, I have decided to put the autobiography on hold, and use this medium to offer much needed advice to the Obama administration in regards to financial stability, domestic and foreign policy. I feel that I have very unique qualifications that have not been evident in the staff installed by President Obama. I pay my income taxes!

Now, I have considered Attorney General Holder's determination that the Federal Government will no longer enforce laws concerning growers of medicinal marijuana. Significantly, he has overlooked an opportunity to reduce the deficit in this decision. I propose that he legalize the cultivation, sale and use of the old wacky weed and tax the cultivation distribution and use of this product. The local, state and Federal tax would compensate for most of the unpaid taxes of the Obama administration.

Another activity now deemed illegal at the state and federal levels is prostitution. I recommend that prostitution of all kinds be legalized. This, the oldest of professions should be legalized immediately, and again, taxed at the local, state and federal levels. Not only would the ladies and men of the night be able to contribute to reducing the National Debt, but the taxes imposed on the House of Representatives and the Senate would probably be enough to pay for Obama's proposed National health Care.

Stand by for more political insight and recommendations from Aesop

Monday, March 16, 2009


Last week, for reasons that have not been made clear, I started writing about my life. I don't know what kind of mood that caused this spurt of creativity, but I wrote until about 2:00 in the morning. I started somewhere after I had joined the Air Force, and stopped at about the present time. I e-mailed this missive to my editor-in-chief, the artiststic (no, not autistic) daughter, another copy to younger daughter, and another to my writer daughter. The younger daughter was first to respond, said there was not enough details. (She has heard all the war stories and want them included) My artistic daughter said it was too much to put on a blog all at once. Now, I haven't heard from the writer daughter, and that worries me! She may really be going over it with a red pencil! K was worried because she did not get any mention in the first draft. I told her that an entire chapter would have to be dedicated to her!
Anyway, I don't know if I will put it on this blog. I am thinking about just making this a political blog and use it to bad mouth Obama!